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This is when you really get into the agility groove with your dog. Agility 2 focuses on handling skills and distance work. You will teach your dog to approach the obstacles from different directions and to have your dog  move both ahead of and behind you.

The atmosphere is fun and encouraging. It is wonderful to watch the skill level and enjoyment of both dog and human increase each week, 


To enroll in  Agility 2 you must have completed and passed at least one of these courses :  Planet K9 Allsports Course, Planet K9 Agility 1 course, Advanced Manners or Off Leash Control course. 

Agility 2 classes are held in Spotswood on Sunday mornings. 


Our training venue is  fully fenced with onsite parking


If you are unable to attend a class, don't panic. We will arange a make up class for you. We just need 24 hours notice of non attendance. 


The whole household is welcome / encouraged to participare in the group classes.


To enrol in this course simply choose a course start date from the drop down menu. The classes will run consecutively for 5 weeks at that same time and day each week. No classes are held over long weekends. 


Only classes with vacanicies are shown in the drop down column below. If you miss out on a spot you can request to join the waiting list .



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